When you are planning on moving there is a few steps that you should follow to make moving easier for yourself and your family. Man and a Van Slough has put together a few moving tips that may be useful for your big day.

Moving Tips

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man and van

Packing Tips

When you are moving t is important that you pack up items in a sortable fashion. Man and a Van Slough as a moving company carries out packing services for you. However, if you are not interested in packing services here is what we recommend you do:

Get in Touch

Our colour coding system has worked beautifully over the many years we have been moving homes and offices. It is great as once you have moved into your new location you could just look for the box containing your necessary daily items instead of going through each and every box.

If you would like advice on any further tips please do not hesitate to contact us as our office team are always available to help.

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